Daily Archives: April 21, 2003

The Kills

Cannabis intoxication will not cause permanent brain damage.

April 21, 2003

The Kills “Keep On Your Mean Side” I just brought this album to Miss Chicky who looked over at me and said, “This music is made for us”. My first impressions: raw, simple, sexy, hard, soft, cool, original, and we’re only on track five.

This is definitely one of the best albums I’ve heard so far this year. It’s unusual to like every track on an album but this one passes that test. I especially like “Superstition” and “Fried My Little Brains”. The Kills at the Magic Stick in Detroit on April 29, 2003. I hope they show up in Atlanta.

My first impressions stand after listening to the CD a few more times. It only gets better each listen. Very sexy and very raw. This is music you can definately feel in your guts.

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