Daily Archives: April 25, 2003

The Ruiners are a Bad Ass Punk from DETROIT!

Cannabis intoxication will not cause permanent brain damage.

April 25, 2003

The Ruiners are a Bad Ass Punk from Chicago. The Ruiners are for real.

I came across The Ruiners one day while surfing for new bands on the Disaster Records site and downloaded the song GUN TIME from WinMX. The band, from Detroit, are led by Rick Ruiner who is listed as – vocals, harmonica, flame-throwa’ guitar on the bands bio page. They appear to be some sort of legend in Detroit clubs or so the people on their message board say anyway. From the few songs I’ve been lucky enough to find, I would have to say that the band does have that IT factor we look for in new and exciting music. The band has an all female backing section that sometimes steps up front as in the song GUN TIME. Check out their cool video for PUNK SON that will give you a good idea as what the band is like live. From what I see, it looks like a mix between the Toiletboys (fire and sexuality) and Iggy Pop(fun driven energy with a little bit of blood). Also be sure to listen to the song BEG with some of the best lyrics I’ve heard in a long time.

Thanks for the kind words-
The Ruiners are from Deetoit- City!
home of the chili dog, Model T, and a failing football team know as the Lions!
We love to play a show in the south-
Please let us know where we should play-
can you help us get a show?
Eric Sasquatch Ruiner

This is EXACTLY what we had in mind people……

Yes ! We know a couple(1, 2)of different places you could play. Yes we would help you. We would even give you a place to stay for the week-end if needed. We even know of a couple of bands(1,2 ) who would be great with you guys.

“It’s the kind of show where vocalist Rick Ruiner emerges from a coffin in leather pants — which are off and afire by show’s end, leaving him in a silver thong.” – Detroit Free Press

“Post-Apocalipstick World” Is that the only way to get “Guntime”?

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