Daily Archives: April 29, 2003

Eric’s profile

Serve very hot; garnish with parsley.

Name: The Unsatisfied
User type: Default
User ID: 13
User since: April 29, 2003
Last visit: 10:01AM on January 07
E-mail: freaks@theunsatisfied.com
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Eric has posted 0 links and 5 comments on MusicFilter since April 29, 2003.

I’m a Goddamn freak on a one way trip to deathville via ROCK and ROLL!!!


Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed

We can make weed disappear right before your eyes.

April 29, 2003

Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed.
Download two tracks from “Scandinavian Leather”.

These guys are a trip. I don’t know a whole bunch about the band, but from the song titles alone I’d have to say they are ‘out there’. I actually started downloading songs by Turbonegro a while back on a whim ( the name sounded interesting ) but didn’t get around to listening to them till much later. These guys are weird, sleazy, strange, loud, and I’d have to say that I like most of the songs on this album. The more you listen to it,,,,it grows on ya’. The first time I burned some of their songs onto a disc to listen to in my car, I included some of Marilyn Mansons newest songs on the same disc. In a hurry I forgot to title the cover and just popped it in the player. I got confused more than once wondering if I was hearing Marilyn or Turbonegro. For me that was a good thing. A couple of times I was actually listening to Turbonegro thinking it was actually Marilyns new songs, which at the time I liked a lot….get it…me either….just give them a listen and decide for yourself.
Thumbs up

Excellent album. If you like Scandinavian Leather check out Ass Cobra.

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Dick Delicious calls it quits!

We can make weed disappear right before your eyes.

April 29, 2003

Dick Calls it quits…… Dick Delicious & The Tasty Testicles are done but look for “Dick” to go on to great things….

“Dick” is actually Jay, and he is one cool dude. I’ve always been a fan of Dick D & the TT but I’ll be glad to see what Jay decides to do next. I’ve seen DD lots of times and one the highlights was always listening to Jay play guitar. He obviously has a lot of talent. Don’t get me wrong, Dick Delicious & the Tasty Testicles will forever be cool. They were fun as hell. —-(side note 12.3 and rising) – Anyways, I’ll miss Dick and his testicles but I look forward to seeing whats next.

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punkarella’s profile

Cannabis intoxication will not cause permanent brain damage.

Name: punkarella
User type: Default
User ID: 15
User since: April 29, 2003
Last visit: 09:22AM on October 12
E-mail: punkarella@musicfilter.com
punkarella has posted 36 links and 38 comments on MusicFilter since April 29, 2003.
