Iggy Pop
2022 Archive

#57 – The Album Project

“What is grief, if not love persevering?” – Vision

MusicFilter Vinyl
6/8/2019 – it’s 12:25 AM and I just found all those little album covers in BMF digital storage and transferred them back into the folder where they belong. A content feeling came over me as all the little X’s filled in.
And it’s true that BMF collected and owns all of these albums and so many more. After MusicFilter crashed in 2014 he was unable to update his vinyl list. He always planned to return and update his list because he was a serious list maker and the king of all sorters. Before he died he started a project of a detailed archive for each album. He began this project on Facebook for some reason under his long time user name of MusicfilterGoAheadPunk. Some asshole complained that was not his real name and Facebook took down all of his hard work! He begged them to return his writings but they refused. He started over but it really gave him the blues and his heart was not in it for long. Or maybe he just didn’t feel good enough to continue after that disappointing situation. But for me whatever he left is precious.
After his death I tried to get Facebook to give back his writings too but they were just too hard to deal with and I gave up trying as I try to deal with my own grief. So fuck Facebook for spoiling his good intent. Bitches and Bastards!
I don’t really know who cares what albums BMF collected. I just know he cared about it and now I’m the caretaker of his albums. I’ll go through each of them one day and diary them all just for him. I enjoy having and caring about his albums. (On 1/29/2022 I finally brought a stack of albums to Redbud. I’m going to set up BMF’s upright record player and start playing every one. And I’m going to catalogue them again on Discogs. He had already set up an account there in 2014 but never started adding his collection, so let me try and finish it for him. #1 will be Iggy Pop.) MusicFilter @ Discogs
Iggy Pop Live at the Continental
Below are his original links posted on this page which are funky in this 2006 update except for VEIW MOST OF OUR COLLECTION (non-flash). This is the one I have rescued in this post and I have not checked all the links yet.
MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 1
MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 2
MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 3
But check out this link from BMF Vinyl 2005 where some of the flash still exist – wow there’s some fun he was having!
Veiw most of our Collection (non-flash)
Another way to veiw…MusicFilter Gallery of album and single covers
I might put these in a gallery eventually but for now I’m just happy with the photo rescue so I could update this page. Every album is important but if you want his short list go check out MusicFilter’s 28 Must Have Albums.
mc190608 – #57bmf4ever