Below is BMF’s original post Lost In Internet Space: (thanks asshole!)
TUESDAY, JAN 01, 2008 The Cramps – Does your pussy do the dog
Download this episode (4 min)
does it
MC-I restored this 2008 podcast from the web archive. I love hearing Jeff’s voice. He sounded so happy. I’m sure he was happy to discover his own podcasting. He mesmerized me for a long time with his music history storytelling. I always told Jeff his looks reminded me of John Cougar and Russell Crowe, all with the rough good looks and crazy eyebrows.
Van Halen is officially back. See some fan shot footage of “I’m the One” here.
10/7/20 – this post updated by ~mc~ . The guitar god Eddie Van Halen passed away yesterday at the age of 65 after a long battle with throat cancer. BMF’s teenage band was Van Halen and I need to get all his Van Halen posts updated pronto.
I’m not sure if BMF ever saw Van Halen in his younger days but we got to see them reunited with David Lee Roth in Atlanta in 2008 and in New York in 2012. According to the Van Halen 2007-2008 North American Tour Wikipedia, the first date of the tour on September 27, 2007 in Charlotte, NC was David Lee Roth’s first show with Van Halen since September 2, 1984. This made BMF very happy and this was his post about it in 2007. Unfortunately the original video shot by a fan has been deleted by you tube. #57bmf4ever
The Sex Pistols will play a one off gig in London November 8th. Tickets go on sale September 21st. The story was first reported by NME who have had a campaign to get “God Save the Queen” to the number one slot.
BAD BRAINS will guest on Fuse TV’s “Steven’s Untitled Rock Show” tonight, Monday July 16, at 7:00 p.m. EST. “Build a Nation” is the title of their new album with Beastie Boy Yauch producing.
Although they take their name from a Nuge song and use a Confederate flag in their imagery, The Pussy’s politics ain’t god, guns, and gay-bashin’– they run both red and blue. In fact, on the band’s fifth album From Hell to Texas (SPV), they assail religion on “Lazy Jesus” (“God’s just a king with a lot less money”) and bash “The Late, Great USA.” “We walk the line,” Suys says. “The party we vote for is
the Party party.” The song, she continues, is about returning home from Europe to notice the little differences between here and there. “Some of the freedoms over there are different… like, you know, hash and nice, state-sponsored hookers.Then you come back to America, land of supposed freedom, and you’re not allowed to smoke 50 feet in front of a building and shit. It’s like, ‘What the fuck?”{read more}
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