Our band had a good night this last weekend. To see more click here.
Live Music

Van Halen at Phillips Arena
Last night was the big night to see Diamond Dave and the band play once again. They were great. Dave was classic Dave, Eddie was classic Eddie, Alex was classic Alex and Wolfgang was a pleasant surprise of energy and flair. It was fun to watch him interact with Dave and most of all Eddie. Dave’s smile was bigger then ever, his karate styleings more on point then ever and his rock star posing classic as expected. When you see Eddie play guitar it is like seeing something from another planet never before seen or heard. Amazing to say the least. The whole show was pure entertainment and musically amazing.
On the downside, Phillips continues to get worse as time progresses. The drinks are outrageous in price, the bartenders are worthless blobs who instead of thinking in volume try to chat it up with every patron trying to maximize their tips.
Before Van Halen took the stage I decided it was a good time to go get refills of our $15.00 cocktails. I spotted a “Jack Daniels” bar with a wide counter that had at least 8 bartenders. I thought this would be a perfect place to grab a quick drink and get back to my seat. I was about 6th in line on the far left next to the T-Shirt stand and decided to go ahead and get some merchandise and then get back into line. I got my T-shirts in under 2 minutes and was right back in line. After 15 minutes passed I began peering over the people in front of me to maybe get an idea as why the line was not moving. The bartender making one drink at a time, walking to the other end of the bar to get beers (one at a time) looked more like he should be sweeping floors at the local NAPA auto store rather than pouring drinks to thousands of thirsty rockers. People in front of me began to display their agitation as well when the 20 minute mark came around. 30 minutes later as I finally got to the front of the line, I heard the music began to play. FUCK!. Numbnut bartender man looked at me like he was clueless as to why the veins in my neck began to bulge. I threw $30 at him and grabbed the overpriced cocktails and hauled ass back to my seat where my honey was probably thinking I got lost. No time to explain then cause Van Halen were kicking ass and I quickly forgot the fiasco I had just encountered.
A few songs in, it was time for another refill. This time I found a smaller drink stand and knowing what lie ahead I talked the guy in front of me into buying an extra drink for himself and then giving it to me after I had finished ordering. He obliged so I headed back to my seat this time with three $15.00 drinks. I stuck one in the cup holder and kissed my girl and got back to the task at hand. A few songs later I felt a wetness begin to penetrate my pants leg. Oh well.
After the show we stopped in at the Waffle House, played some Johnny Cash on the jukebox, ate sandwiches with hash browns and stole another coffee cup.
It was a great night of music, fun and love. Worth every penny and then some.

Van Halen
Tonight is the night for Van Halen to bring us their magic once again.

Steve Jones Guitar
Gibson has released the Steve Jones replica guitar.


The Kings of Rock are back!
Van Halen is officially back. See some fan shot footage of “I’m the One” here.
10/7/20 – this post updated by ~mc~ . The guitar god Eddie Van Halen passed away yesterday at the age of 65 after a long battle with throat cancer. BMF’s teenage band was Van Halen and I need to get all his Van Halen posts updated pronto.
I’m not sure if BMF ever saw Van Halen in his younger days but we got to see them reunited with David Lee Roth in Atlanta in 2008 and in New York in 2012. According to the Van Halen 2007-2008 North American Tour Wikipedia, the first date of the tour on September 27, 2007 in Charlotte, NC was David Lee Roth’s first show with Van Halen since September 2, 1984. This made BMF very happy and this was his post about it in 2007. Unfortunately the original video shot by a fan has been deleted by you tube. #57bmf4ever