Music News

The Unsatisfied / Songs the Belt Taught Us

Release date of 4/27/11. Can’t wait. A must have for any real Rock and Roll fan. Check them out here.


From The Unsatisfied:

Songs the Belt Taught Us–RELEASE DATE!!!!!

You read it right, tribe! The new CD’s are being pressed at this moment! It’s high noon & we’re standing in the middle of the street, baby. Songs the Belt Taught Us will be available online at our website & on iTunes, etc. on APRIL 27th!! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here!
We’re playing a show on Easter Sunday at JJ’s Bohemia, and we may have a few advance copies with us. We’re also going to be doing a CD Release party at Sluggo’s on Cherokee Blvd. on May 7th. Both of these ought to be killer shows. We can’t wait to unleash our new work on our ever-lovin’ tribe. The feedback we’ve seen so far has been fantastic. Thank you.
We’re also in the process of firing up a national radio promotion, so tell all of your friends to tune in their local rock radio and listen for The Unsatisfied!!! We’ve recently had an interview come out in Alternative Revolt Magazine. Check our facebook & myspace for links. It’s a really great magazine.
Everything’s been going our way so much lately that it’s almost scary. We want to thank each and every one of you, including our families for your patience, love and support. We think the wait will be worth it once you get to hear this record.
If you haven’t already, friend us or follow us and pass the word to all of your rockin’ friends to tune in to The Unsatisfied. Strange things are happening here.



Nashville Pussy Live @ The Masquerade in Atlanta, GA

We went to see Nashville Pussy on a rare Atlanta date before the band heads to Europe for a full on tour. The band did not disappoint. See all the photos of the night here. Not sure what I can say that I haven’t already said about Nashville Pussy. They always rock the house and everybody in it.
Bigfoot also played featuring various members of past Atlanta rock bands featuring Evil Jim. They kicked ass as well and I hope to see them again. Photo’s of Bigfoot and the other opening acts can be seen here.

Backyard Paradise

Our backyard on 9/3/2010 ////// Video here. All videos here. BMF teaches you how to build a stream and design a giant deck!

around 3 pm

[svgallery name=”sept2010″] (original)

(updated gallery on 8/15/20)

I restored this amazing BMF page on 8/15/2020 – sorry it took me so long. These videos and photos were taken and originally posted by BMF on 9/3/2010. I found the original gallery photos on the server. As I look at all these videos and photos now I’m reminded how much BMF loved his home and how hard he worked to make his backyard paradise. He designed the deck and hand-built the stream placing every single rock in just the right places. We added a stone water basin or (tsukubai), in a nod to the Japanese tea garden. The sweet dog in the photos is Stevie Nicks and she is still with me today. We loved our big green punk rock house at the end of the road. I miss you everyday baby and wish we were drinking bourbon and listening to your music on our back deck right now. I have played the video over and over just to hear your voice. Thanks for the Elvis. I love you. You are always #57bmf4ever.~ mc


 “I only know plenty”
(ware = I, tada = only, shiru = know, taru = plenty)

The Unsatisfied Rocks BMF’s Birthday Bash 2010

The Unsatisfied BMF Birthday Bash Photo gallery here. More photos coming as I find them. Movies coming too. If you have any photos or movies of this show please send them to me.

From the beginning, we have been huge fans and followers of The Unsatisfied. Read some history over here. Me and Miss Chicky decided we would have a big birthday bash this year and host it in our backyard. Only thing we had to do was to get the back yard party ready. After months of busting our asses, we completed the backyard, got party ready, and it was on. As I told a few people, that prior to the party, I was getting so tired that I was having thoughts of just getting the party over with. When the Unsatisfied arrived my spirit was renewed with rock excitement. They set up on our carefully planned dual deck/stage and to say they rocked the house would be an understatement. I had a lot of friends at the party that would not be considered ‘rock’ fans of this type by any means. The day after the show, and talking to many of the guests, they all said, “that band was fucking awesome!!”. This was from what I would call non fans before and gained fans as of today. We are and were obviously already huge fans of The Unsatisfied, and even bigger fans after the party. The band put on two sets. One electrified spectacle of pure punk rock even playing a cover of a song I requested (hoped) they would learn and play and to say the learned it and played it would not do what they did to the song justice. “No Values” originally by Black Flag, covered by many but my favorite cover coming from Hank3 on the ‘West Memphis3’ benefit album put out by Henry Rollins. The Unsatisfied ripped into this song like they fucking owned it and it was most definitely  a highlight for me. Miss Chicky swears they should add this song to their set list and let others enjoy it too. I agree wholeheartedly.

After this raucous set of blistering rock in my back yard, they took a break and came back to do an amazing acoustical set that really worked. A highlight, “When a man comes around”….wow….Eric you sounded amazing and the band played it right as right.

I had a great time watching and listening to the band, but also had a great time joining in on a couple of things I knew one or two lines too, talking with the guys, helping look up lyrics with Wayno and showing Eric some of my treasures as he was patiently showing interest itching to hit the road. You all rock in my book.

So there is the beginning of my post of the Unsatisfied playing at my birthday party. Keep checking back as I will be adding thoughts and memories of things as I think of them. Be sure the check out all the Tumblrs, and other sites we run for other stuff throughout the next few weeks.

Thanks guys for making this birthday a memory of a lifetime. I say we make it once a year, same date, same time every year.

Look for a new release from The Unsatisfied to be reviewed on MusicFilter very shorty..hint hint.


The Ruiners – Happy Birthday Bitch

I just recieved a copy of the latest music from “The Ruiners” who hail from DETROIT USA!

Anytime I get a new CD from a band to check out the first litmus test is to take in for my trip to work in the ‘Death Truck’. I have learned that any music that sounds good in the Death Truck will sound GREAT on my big time system or any system for that matter. I once heard Gene Simmons say that they liked to hear their music on AM radio in the 70’s cause if it sounded good on that he knew it would sound GREAT on any music fan’s system….err something like that.

Anyway, the new CD “Happy Birthday Bitch” seems to be a culmination of all thing ‘Ruiners’. I’ve been a fan of the Ruiners every since I first listened to “Gun Time” (or was it “Beg”?) on an old “Old Skars & Upstarts Vol, ?”. Later I discovered their other music from their one time website, the internet and music catalogs. I think I have them all but if I don’t I sure wish they would help me fill in my collection. It is quite an awesome collection of what I consider REAL ROCK AND MOTHERFUCKIN’ ROLL. I’m talkin’ about FIRE, GUITARS on FIRE, FIGHTS, DRINKS, SUBSTANCES, BOOTS, LEATHER, WINSTONS, SWEAT, BLOOD and, ALBUM COVERS with razor blades, cake, cigarettes, condoms, booze, lips, lips, and BLOOD.

OK…About the music, this is why we are reading right?. The music is TIGHT, LOOSE, RIGHT on the mark. I’ve listened to all their releases and they all point in a direction of this one.

Ok…the music!!…………

The opening track, SUGAR BUZZ, is a buzz of innuendo’s that drain the brain better than Steven Tyler ever thought of disguising the meaning of sweet pussy and Rock & Roll….the point being…well if you know Steven you know the point and if you listen to the Ruiners you see another way it can be said in a different way.

The guitars blaze fire out of the strings, the vocals sound like harsh shrills of sparks pouring out of Rick’s lips, and at other times like hot lava smoldering down his chin.

The whole band sounds tight as hell, and they well should since they have been crankin’ this brand of PURE ROCK out their asses for over 10 years.

Suburban Cop, “HEY, you just found my crotch”

Beer Time, ”

Honestly, I have tried my best to come up with a review that would be memorable for this memorable band that may go on to get me more awesome bands sending me music to review, but my whole feeling for MusicFilter has always been, only write about what truly moves you. I can’t count the CD’s that end up as coasters in the shed, but I can count the CD’s that remain on my main playlists I listen to every weekend, and one of those CD’s is now “Happy Birthday Bitch“. That sums it up people, The Ruiners, Fucking MOVE ME. They will make you wanna play guitar, make you wanna kiss your girl, make you wanna be a rock star.

Think ROCK & ROLL of the coolest form. Think FIRE. Think LIPS. Think swagger. Think DETROIT. Think of the RUINERS. This album will NOT DISAPOINT!

Whover wrote this said it well:

“From Detroit USA, The Ruiners are a wild and fantastic beast; pure white lightning & sexy self-destruction. Having endured club bannings, beatings, court enforced restraining orders, jail terms, cat fights, pregnancies, bankruptcies, heart attacks, overdoses, emergency room visits and death threats over the last 10 years, the band is now fresher, sexier & more self-confident then ever with their brand new album Happy Birthday Bitch . This 10 song blast of Detroit sleaze is destine to be thee greatest party record of all time, with a lot of fuzzed out sounds, primitive drums, mucho sex appeal & greasy bar room grit…and that my friends is what The Ruiners do best.”

On a side note: I play Rock Band. I Like the process of strappin on my fake guitar, getting the mic strung to the chair for ‘Fresca’, making sure everthing is just right berfore The Coke Bandits kick Rock and Roll ASS!

I amagine that bands like The Ruiners are against Rock Band. I don’t care. I like to pretend I have talent. I like playing with Miss Chicky. She sings like a crazy fucking rock and roll bitch from hell who I happen to be deeply in love with. Ruiners, your album would KICK ass for an untalented Rock wanna be like myself and may get you all some exposure for your awesome fucking music to a crowd that may not hear you or hear of you otherwise. Also I figure any cool band who lets their music be played on Rock Band is helping change the crappy music that most people think is rock today. Help get the REAL message of REAL rock to these young dumb asses who think (fill in crappy band here) is rock. Just a thought.

original post-mc
