Record store day is April 21st. Where will you go to buy some records? Criminal Records is probably our best bet. They will have all kinds of special things happening. Some of “Drive by Truckers” will apparently perform. More about record store day here.
I will be there hoping to get a copy of Joey Ramones’ newest record featuring “Rock and Roll is the Answer” co-written by Richie Stotts from which I got one of my all time favorite pieces of vinyl from. See if you can find the hand painted album here.
Six Feet Under is a guilty pleasure for covering songs like California Uber Alles, Psychotherapy, and In League with Satan. I can’t help but wonder what they would be like live. They have a new record out called “Undead”. Each venue on the tour is referred to as a ‘live ritual’.
MC and I went to see Van Halen at the Madison Square Garden last week. The visit to NY was great and relaxing and fun. I enjoyed every moment with my honey.
Van Halen were great as I expected. Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang all sounded perfect blasting out that classic Halen sound like no other. Dave was his old self full of swagger and laughs. He still sounds great no matter what anyone says. His kicks weren’t quite as high as I remember in 1984 but neither are mine. He still has all that clown charm as MC is always pointing out how Dave reminds her of a clown. Regardless, Dave is awesome and Van Halen sounded great, looked great and delivered all you would expect and more out of a Van Halen show. Music like none other. Best of all for me, a girl like no other who loves me.
10/6/20 – updated for my love today on the news that Eddie Van Halen has passed away as a result of cancer. BMF loved Van Halen (as long as Dave was the front man!) Cancer is fucked up and takes away people we love no matter how old they are – Eddie was 65 and BMF was 47. RIP. #57bmf4ever
I have not followed the exact news but according to various facebook posts from Duane, The Exploding Fuck Dolls have a new record out and have been playing some shows in Kalifornia. His new solo record with the Great Unwashed is coming out soon to vinyl. He has a new shoe coming out. I can’t find any new Exploding Fuck Dolls music, can’t find any new shoes and am not sure when the new solo will come out or where to get it. Tell me Duane.
Although they take their name from a Nuge song and use a Confederate flag in their imagery, The Pussy’s politics ain’t god, guns, and gay-bashin’– they run both red and blue. In fact, on the band’s fifth album From Hell to Texas (SPV), they assail religion on “Lazy Jesus” (“God’s just a king with a lot less money”) and bash “The Late, Great USA.” “We walk the line,” Suys says. “The party we vote for is
the Party party.” The song, she continues, is about returning home from Europe to notice the little differences between here and there. “Some of the freedoms over there are different… like, you know, hash and nice, state-sponsored hookers.Then you come back to America, land of supposed freedom, and you’re not allowed to smoke 50 feet in front of a building and shit. It’s like, ‘What the fuck?”{read more}
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