
The Konks

Richard Hell…I really like a good crunchy sentence.

March 14, 2005

The Konks have just released a full length CD… via BOMP!. The Konks ‘play with cheap guitars and two lousy drums’ and with this arrangement they pull off a rockin’ garage band sound that may be unsurpassed by any other ‘garage type’ band out there today. The gem of this disc though for me is the last song which is a cover song. “Let the music do the talkin'” is credited to “Aerosmith” but is actually a Joe Perry penned song that he wrote and recorded on a solo album when Aerosmith was broken up and then re-recorded with Aerosmith on the “Done with Mirrors” LP that was released right before “Permanant Vacation”. Enough about Aerosmith though.the Konks make this song their own and they definatley own it after just one listen.

This is music you feel when you listen to it. Go get a copy of this CD, grab yerself a Jack & Coke, crank it up to 11. This is great music.

« Older BBQ – Tie Your Noose | JANOSCH MOLDAU REDEEMER ALBUM Newer »


Whatever Happened to Rock ‘n’ Roll still alive March 31, 2004 to January 24, 2005. Still talking about Nashville Pussy.


Let Them Eat Pussy 1998 Amphetamine Reptile

OK, just go grab your Roget’s Thesaurus and get 20 synonyms for each of the following: fierce, frantic, loud and slutty. Insert the 80 words here:

BMF and Ruyter Suys


That’s all the record review you really need. Anything more would be academic, which is not in true Nashville Pussy form.


But I feel compelled to give more details. If these guys and gals didn’t grow up in the South, they have certainly done their research (I would know, being’s I been livin’ in ol’ Virginny since I was a young ‘un). Their music is essentially a buzzsaw fusion of punk and Southern rock, with a bit of a Motorhead vibe thrown in. Their sound is what I call “truck stop rock” (I hereby lay claim to that phrase and if a writer uses it as their own, call them on it). The lyrics are for the most part indecipherable, but when you can make them out, you find that all of the essentials are there – bikes, beer and broads.


Any band that records a song titled “Fried Chicken and Coffee” is going to instantly win my favor. The big surprise is the cover of Smokey Robinson’s “First I Look At the Purse,” the gigolo song that receives a new life thanks to Nashville Pussy. Smokey must be spinning in his grave. NP puts 110% into every song and that effort comes through your speakers as pure energy. This is one of those rare records that you can’t help but like and play air guitar to, even though you know it’s not the most intelligent or sensitive stuff out there. If you want a lesson in politics, go be bored with an Agnostic Front record – Nashville Pussy ain’t got no time for such matters. They’re too busy drinking Jack, fixin’ cars and eating fire (no kidding, see the live show).

No fucking clue who wrote all that but we like it.


Die Hunns “Long Legs”

Another BMF Album Review
Cannabis intoxication will not cause permanent brain damage.

May 29, 2004

Some Music get better each time you hear it…… this is especially true for The Hunns latest CD “Long Legs”..when I first got this CD I was sure I had a disc that was one of the best I’d heard. I listened to it relentlessly for about 3 weeks. I let a few weeks pass and qued it up tonight again. I heard stuff I didn’t hear the first time. This may be cliche but I don’t give a FUCK. This CD is inCREDIBLE. There are so many little hidden gems of musical influences of the band that I did not notice before. When you first hear this CD you will think you hear the little things I’m trying to describe .. but trust me….give it a break..come back to it and play it loud…. you will hear things u didn’t before and it will only get better…

I haven’t decided yet if it is THE HUNNS or Duane’s voice that create this ultimate PUNK ROCK FEELING….maybe it is a bit of both….he is a known legend in is time and cirlce….did Corey bring something out in him or am I just now discovering Mr. Peters incredible voice.????more to follow
posted by BMF at 10:11PM EST [trackback] (1 comments total)

Damn you write the best reviews when you are sucking vodka.
posted by punkarella at 03:24PM EST on May 30

« Older #13 | Stainboy Newer »


It’s 2:17am on 8/26/20 and I’m laying in bed at the log cabin restoring this page on a I-phone because I randomly clicked on a dead link that I’ve probably never clicked before, but I had to fix it. Day and night has been 57 over and over. You made me cry today missing you. But it helps me feel so never stop. I feel you baby. So anyway this review was posted on the original MusicFilter website in 2004 before things got so fancy with pictures and youtube (which did not come around until 2005). MusicFilter was a true blog and just a collection of daily words and thoughts. I’m so grateful it was archived and still exist. It’s crazy how you think you remember but really you don’t, and then you are reminded by just a few crazy words typed in on a given day. And all that memory comes back about the intensity we had going and we were just living and having fun. God I miss your kiss. ~mc~ #57bmf4ever

This post was Saved Just 1 time On March 28, 2006. 
I’m adding some fluff to this restoration post so I can have a nice pretty link, but below is how MusicFilter appeared in 2004. It was originally delicious.


Flipper “American Grafishy”

Richard Hell…I really like a good crunchy sentence.

October 25, 2003

I recieved “Flipper – American Grafishy” in the mail today…. after looking for an mp3 i used to have of -fucked up once again- by Flipper for about a month I finally decided it was time to buy this CD. I bought the entire CD only knowing and caring about the song –Fucked up once again– and even if the other songs had sucked I would still be happy with it. I should say though that the other songs on -American Grafishy- DON’T suck making this CD a great purchase for any Flipper fan or any fan of slow groovin’ punk rock. You can listen to a streaming copy of Fucked up once again here.

All Music Guide’s Flipper Page

A great fan site in honor of Flipper.

and another.

« Older Axel Jewelry | Happy Halloweenie Baby Newer ».



Flipper – “Fucked Up Once Again”

What good is law in the United States of America if five or six goddamn bimbos are going to rule against it? – Evel Knievel

Fucked up once again by Flipper


Oh oh oh fucked up once again

No more rivers of blood
Taking over my dream of love
Feel a bit of poetry in my life
But it all could change in just one night

fucked up once again

Reoccuring nightmares disturb
Everyone who let’s them occur
The very same is true in life
So shed a little light to make it all right

Oh oh oh fucked up once again

Seems some lessons are not learned
Repeat the course or you’ll return
Back to the part that was left out
Pieces of the part thrown all about

fucked up once again

Looks messed up once more again
Can’t cover it up won’t pretend
Have to return to a new start
Pick another direction
Now comes the hard part

fucked up once again

Fucked up never again

(Check out BMF’s review of “American Grafishy”)


August 8, 2003 – Last Call and Welcome to MusicFilter

July 23, 2003 – this is the last date aka Whatever Happened to Rock & Roll was in live operation. Farewell old friend. You were my training ground where I learned how to make html pages and post mp3s. You were porn and music. But I am moving on motherfucker.

August 8, 2003 – Whatever Happened to Rock & Roll forwarded permanently to MusicFilter.

September 19, 2003 – 

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