
Yeah Yeah Yeah’s

Official Site

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Our Time

Yeah Yeah Yeah’s – Mini Album

All Music Guide Page

Echo Lounge – East Atlanta
Live Review
View Photos

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs rock ass….they became an instant favorite of ours just for the song “Our Time” which rules, but after seeing them play live they are truly a standout in MusicFilters BandFilter List.

Original Post


Pretty Vacant


Pretty Vacant

Pretty Vacant

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Official Website

Now defunct, Pretty Vacant were an awesome Sex Pistols cover band with ROB on vocals making it real.
Update: I just met Steve Mack at the Yacht Club who played in Pretty Vacant and Julius Pleaser as well. Even though I was fairly wasted and can’t remember every single detail of our conversation I do remember enough to know we had a very good conversation about music in general and am looking forward to having more conversations like that one in the future. Very cool guys. Stay tuned to MusicFilter for updates on future projects of both Rob and Steve.

View photos of their last show here. If anyone from the band is checking out this page e-mail me with any other info you would like to see included on this page.

~mc updated this post on 6/11/2017. Miss and love you BMF. Check BMF’s 2003 review of Pretty Vacant.

And don’t forget to feel the vulva:


original version:

View photos

Official Website

Now defunct, Pretty Vacant were an awesome Sex Pistols cover band with ROB on vocals making it real.
Update: I just met Steve Mack at the Yacht Club who played in Pretty Vacant and Julius Pleaser as well. Even though I was fairly wasted and can’t remember every single detail of our conversation I do remember enough to know we had a very good conversation about music in general and am looking forward to having more conversations like that one in the future. Very cool guys. Stay tuned to MusicFilter for updates on future projects of both Rob and Steve.

View photos of their last show here. If anyone from the band is checking out this page e-mail me with any other info you would like to see included on this page.



The Kills

Official Site – 2019

Current Site – 2005

Live Photos – 2005 in Atlanta

20th Anniversary- 2022

Read the MusicFilter review of The Kills first Lp here.

4/14/05 The Kills at The Earl review (by BMF)

We went to this show with high hopes. While we have always loved The Kills first record, the latest one, No Wow sounded good but didn’t have the same ooomph as their first. They sounded good but for some reason we just didn’t dig it like we thought. Maybe it was all the emo-freaks in the crowd. Photos.


7/21/2019 ~mc~ worked all day on the BMF Encyclopedia and got to the Kills who we fell for in 2003. That led me here to update this small MusicFilter tribute page. We did eventually get to see The Kills play live at the Earl in 2005, but wound up pretty disappointed in their show. Maybe it was the crowd as BMF thought but it was probably more that we were going to a lot of hard core crazy shows at that time and The Kills were not that kind of show. However their first album, “Keep on Your Mean Side” was punk as fuck and remains stellar on the turntable and will forever be in the rotation of every music server we own. The Kills are a piece of MusicFilter history and therefore our history. Their first album has the unique distinction of being the first album BMF reviewed and posted on MusicFilter and the first to earn a link on the sidebar. Ha! Not a big deal now but a BIG DEAL in 2003 when “blogging” was first getting started and getting a link on the sidebar was a special triumph. BMF took some fairly awful Makers Mark fueled photos with his Olympus Digital Camera that night in 2005 and the SWF file he made to archive the photos has since bitten the dust, but I was able to find them on the server at and happily restored them into a gallery. As I view them now I don’t care about the quality, but remember the Earl’s dark vibe and the memory of how any night with BMF was a good night. I miss him so much. #57bmf4ever

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Songfilter: His and Hers

2003 – The Kills

Week’s archives:

May 16, 2003
May 15, 2003
May 14, 2003
May 10, 2003



RSS: Syndicate

© MusicFilter 2003

 BMF was a rebellious smoker. Alison Mosshart or “VV” as she liked to be called in 2003 was/is a rebellious smoker.

Check out the whole album on you tube but you would be best to just get the damn thing for yourself.
Do people still do that? Would you make this sound for me? Alison is rad and The Kills kill it!



MusicFilter Vinyl

6/8/2019 – it’s 12:25 AM and I just found all those little album covers in BMF digital storage and transferred them back into the folder where they belong. A content feeling came over me as all the little X’s filled in. 

And it’s true that BMF collected and owns all of these albums and so many more. After MusicFilter crashed in 2014 he was unable to update his vinyl list. He always planned to return and update his list because he was a serious list maker and the king of all sorters. Before he died he started a project of a detailed archive for each album. He began this project on Facebook for some reason under his long time user name of MusicfilterGoAheadPunk. Some asshole complained that was not his real name and Facebook took down all of his hard work! He begged them to return his writings but they refused. He started over but it really gave him the blues and his heart was not in it for long. Or maybe he just didn’t feel good enough to continue after that disappointing situation. But for me whatever he left is precious.

After his death I tried to get Facebook to give back his writings too but they were just too hard to deal with and I gave up trying as I try to deal with my own grief. So fuck Facebook for spoiling his good intent. Bitches and Bastards!

I don’t really know who cares what albums BMF collected. I just know he cared about it and now I’m the caretaker of his albums. I’ll go through each of them one day and diary them all just for him. I enjoy having and caring about his albums. (On 1/29/2022 I finally brought a stack of albums to Redbud. I’m going to set up BMF’s upright record player and start playing every one. And I’m going to catalogue them again on Discogs. He had already set up an account there in 2014 but never started adding his collection, so let me try and finish it for him. #1 will be Iggy Pop.) MusicFilter @ Discogs

Iggy Pop Live at the Continental

Below are his original links posted on this page which are funky in this 2006 update except for VEIW MOST OF OUR COLLECTION (non-flash). This is the one I have rescued in this post and I have not checked all the links yet. 🙂

MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 1
MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 2
MusicFilter Vinyl Volume 3

But check out this link from BMF Vinyl 2005 where some of the flash still exist – wow there’s some fun he was having! 🙂

Veiw most of our Collection (non-flash)

Another way to veiw…MusicFilter Gallery of album and single covers

I might put these in a gallery eventually but for now I’m just happy with the photo rescue so I could update this page. Every album is important but if you want his short list go check out MusicFilter’s 28 Must Have Albums.

28 Must have Albums

mc190608 – #57bmf4ever


Free Music

Updated Below

One Bullet Left – One Bullet Left
From a promo disc. Check out more here.

The Unsatisfied – My Eutopia is turning to shit
From “The way 2 the crumbs” on Antidote Records.

US Bombs – Cheers
From “US Bombs – We are the Problem“. Get it on Sailor’s Grave Records.

The Oblivians – Feel Real Good
Goner Records from “The Oblivians – Sympathy Records
956 KB

The Bloody Hollies – Watch Your Head
Alive Records
4897275 Bytes

The Modern Lovers – Girlfrien
Modern Lovers
5626323 Bytes

The original page MusicFilter page 40 – Free Music

8/17/20 Found the music!


The Oblivians

The Oblivians

December 29th, 2005 by BMF

BMF-GROUPIE is the absolute best cool music finder on this earth. For X-Mas she found this amazing band called The Oblivians who hail from Memphis. It appears as though the band has broken up but the music on “Sympathy Sessions” is incredible and great and rock and roll the way it was meant to be played, with lots of hip grabbin’, whiskey swiggin’ swagger. So far my favorite song is “Feel Real Good“. Eric Oblivian went on to form Goner Records with what looks to be a lot of cool music and ’stuff’. An interview with Eric is here.

“Feel Real Good” from Sympathy Sessions by Oblivians

BMF reposted this on January 3, 2006 when he moved MusicFilter to the new wordpress format. 

Updated on 8/28/20 including some links. “Feel Real Good” is still amazing. ~mc~ #57bmf4ever
Goner Records
