Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles

We can make weed disappear right before your eyes.

April 27, 2003

Official site of Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles.

Dick Delicious And The Tasty Testicles Receive The Howard Stern Award. 1/15/03. 7:20am

After the commercial break Howard said he just wanted to say that some of the people who write the greatest music aren’t rewarded. He brought this up because he’d watched the American Music Awards and the People’s Choice Awards. Howard said he wanted to create his own award called the Howard Stern Award. He said he wanted to present the first award to the winners of his award so he had the guys bring in Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles who wrote ”Diarrhea”.

Listen to some great music from an awesome band on Dick Delicious & The Tasty Testicles sounds page. I’ve seen these guys live lots of times and will lots more. They rock, they are fucking hilarious, and they are cool as hell too. Plus they got on Howard Stern and got some kind of award from the King of All Media himself.

Howdy folks…Wait, you mean this isn’t the country music web site everyone’s been talking about?!

Glad to be a part of the philter.

On a musical note, I picked up the White Stripes newer album 3l3phant, which is alright. And, I heard the band Senses Fail for the first time as well. Good stuff. Good stuff.

Thats great man but this is a post about DICK DELICIOUS & The TASTY fuckING TEsTICLES!!

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