I am hoping by creating this page that MC will help me find all our other photos of Mary. We will fill this page in later with accurate details. I heard though that Mary has retired. Wonder what she is doing now and the rest of the band?
Mary Prankster Official Site

Mary Prankster @ the Earl Miss Chicky emailed Mary and told her we would be at this show. She talked to us, the whole band signed things for us. Cool show, cool people. Cool Miss Chicky.

Mary Prankster I’m not sure of the date of this (We can track it down) or even where because I thought we saw them at Echo Lounge but behind the band is an Earl sign. Miss Chicky introduced me to Mary Prankster and I instantly liked her. Cool words, Cool Music and Cool live. I’m sure we have some other photos of her playing on one of our old computers somewhere.
(Note: Old computer project needs to go somewhere in our big list of projects)
(Note: Get a 1 TB hard drive for this project)
MC- March 2, 2020 really? already? I could never change BMF’s original words but the date of the show was June 23, 2001 and it was at the Earl. Here’s a review of the show from another attendee.

We Love Mary
(updated on 1/25/17-mc)