Lots of link kinks to work out here…bear with us…we still love NP and always will.
Nashville Pussy Official Site
Fried Chicken & Coffee – The Nashville Pussy Chronicles(original)
Fried Chicken & Coffee – The Nashville Pussy Chronicles(restored-2017)

View Photos from:
Masquerade 1.27.11 Atlanta GA(restored on 8/16/20)
The Garage in London 4.14.03
Earthlink Live 3.31.02 Atlanta GA(find photos)
Knoxville 6.01.02 Knoxville TN
In February 2002 BMF and MC went trippin’ for Nashville Pussy in Colorado!
Double Diamond in Aspen, Co. 2.19.02
Levelz Club in Steamboat Springs, Co. 2.18.02
Colorado Music Hall in Colorado Springs, Co. 2.17.02
8150 Club in Vail, Co. 2.16.02 & 2.15.02
(click here for the original production)
Pussy Stuff
Nashville Pussy and US have got a lot of history…self created maybe but history nuntheless. I won a Cd from some internet music company way back when and chose “Let them eat pussy” as my free CD. I then informed Miss Chicky about the greatnesss of the band from then on out…..she went to see them…then we saw them together……then we went to Colorado and followed the band around for over a week. We took lots of photos. Lots. And Videos. When it comes down to it…no other band rocks harder than NP. They are the empitome of Rock and FUCKING Roll…The members of the band may have changed over the years but their credo has stayed the same…’play hard rock the way it was meant to be played…balls to the wall hard as fuck….we had a great time following the band around and look forward to seeing them again and again.
Some of our best concert xperiences have happened at NP show…….good kisses….good looks..good highs…..the best thing I can remember from any of the shows and its a fuciking miracle i can remember anyting anyway..is that i always had the best time the most fullfilling deep felt rock and roll life experience with Miss Chicky. She is my sweeeeet baby….You RULE my world baby. ~BMF
This page updated with love for her BMF by ~mc~ on June 15, 2017.