- Jeff Jackson August 5, 1968 – April 24, 2016

And I can’t let go…#57bmf4ever
@musicfilter57 #hank3 #sidvicious @NashvillePussy (ya cant say pussy on Tik Tok?) #57bmf4ever #griefjourney whatever gets you through #onewayoranother #missingyou

No more anarchy.
At exactly 10:57, the earth opened up and swallowed the BMF and all anarchy went with him.
A BMF Review of this amazing spectacle.
The Sex Pistols came on and the first thing out of Johnny’s mouth was, “If any of you think we have ANYTHING to do with Levi’s OR KROQ your fucking wrong. We have nothing to do with either!” They then ripped into a hard as nails version of “Bodies”. All through the show Johnny made fun of the radio station KROQ which was sponsoring the event. Awesome. Some asshole in front kept throwing beer on Johnny but he difused the situation by calling the guy a hippie and telling him he was in the wrong show and the wrong decade to and get the fuck out. You could see the security guards hauling him out. Johnny commanded the stage. He ruled the stage. He was king. HE IS KING. He pranced, he sneered, he attacked, he danced. No matter how far back you were from the stage you could feel him on the verge of getting in your face and attacking your ass. He was like a fucking wild dog that had been in a cage for 10 years and someone let him out into a room full of raw bloody meat. This motherfucker is the REAL DEAL folks. He had a natural talent for singing that is overshadowed by his in your face I don’t give a fuck what you thing attitude. In one song, the line goes,”there is no GOD” in which he quickly added “except for ME”! He grabbed his package at one point saying “No rapper has a fucking package like this one!”. Each and every song was better than the last. It was impossible to take your eyes off him the entire set. He challenged the crowd constantly. After leaving the stage for “A cup of coffee and a cigarette” they returned to say “Finally the teenyboppers have left, now we can really have some fun!” To which they played “Silver Machine” the ultimate fuck you and irony to end a show, with a 70’s hair/hippie bands song. I’ve stood by my statement of Nashville Pussy putting on the best live show ever for some time now. I now stand by this statement. No band, not in this time, can come close to the Sex Pistols live. Nashville Pussy you are now number two for me. Johnny Rotten is an amazing performer for the simple reason he is himself and “himself” means he is loud , in your face, and extremely opinionated and he truly doesn’t give a crap what you or me or anyone thinks of that. He is a true BAD MOTHER FUCKER.
Continue to Rest In Peace my love. #57bmf4ever

No Fun

It’s Valentine’s Day 2022, a 20th anniversary for The Kills and a sweet memory for MusicFilter
Congratulations to Alison and Jamie “The Kills”. This news reminds of a poignant moment in MusicFilter history since The Kills first album “Keep On Your Mean Side” would become BMF’s very first album review on April 21, 2003 for his newly launched site. The Kills got their own “page” and their album was the first to make the new sidebar and we were so excited about it. This album will always remain a favorite and I imagine it contains those five songs.
Web technology has come a long way since 2003. We used to install a MP3 song sample and that was quite the process but we loved it so much. Now it’s just posting a link to get the whole deal. If you haven’t played this album a hundred times already … get ready:
True love is everlasting and never forgotten and this will serve as a sweet Valentine for me today. I’ll listen to these songs again and remember those days with you. Miss you madly.

A BMF Podcast – Hurdy Gurdy Man