I’ve had this CD for about a month now and when I first listened to it a few tracks struck me as awesome. I stuck the CD in my car and have been listening to it now everyday pretty much. Each time I like each song a bit more. From what I understand Duane Peters puts these comps together himself and if that is the case this guy has got an ear for music like no other. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SONG is a great song but for me personally The District – No Heart is my favorite as of today. Each day I listen, I have a new favorite and now they are all my faves. And why can’t I find any info on this band? The search will continue as it will for every band on this CD. They all kick ass in their own unique way. I was determined to keep my list of 28 albums everyone should own to just that…..25, but everytime I climb into my car to fight the dumbasses on the highways I have finally convinced myself that this CD belongs in the top 10 best comps I’ve ever heard. This is exactly what I hope MusicFilter can put together one day. A comp CD that is good from song one to the last track and only bands and songs that I like. Duane you inspire in ways you may not even realize.
Thanks to all the bands who answered my email for their info….
Bands on Old Skars & Upstarts 2004 with song featured on CD
Bands with a are in MusicFilter’s BandFilter. Click the icon to view reviews, photos and more. Hopefully all these bands will find their way to Atlanta, GA in the future as we hope to have this icon next to each band on this page. If you like GOOD music do yourself a favor and go check out everyone of these bands. I put the bands NOT in order as they appear on the CD cause I fucking felt like it.
US Bombs – We are the Problem
The US Bombs are back with a vengence on Sailor’s Grave Records with a new disc worthy of the top “MUST HAVE ALBUMS” on MusicFilter. Every song is a keeper. Read the review here.
The Unsatisfied – 7 inch Rock Scar
This album is fucking incredible. I’m too high to get too deep right this second but if you go to the link you can read more.
Die Hunns – Long Legs
Legendary skater/punk rock motherfucker Duane Peters punk band now has Corey Parks (ex Nashville Pussy fire breather) in it and they re-did some old Hunns tunes plus some new stuff on this recent release. This is one album that gets better every time you listen. Their cover of “Time has come today” is a standout with Corey on lead vocals with Duane coming in mid way through with his gnarling, snarling voice turning this song into a punk rock gem.
Old Skars & Upstarts 2004 I’ve had this CD for about a month now and when I first listened to it a few tracks struck me as awesome. I stuck the CD in my car and have been listening to it now everyday pretty much. Each time I like each song a bit more. From what I understand Duane Peters puts these comps together himself and if that is the case this guy has got an ear for music like no other. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SONG is a great song but for me personally The District – No Heart is my favorite as of today. Each day I listen, I have a new favorite and now they are all my faves. And why can’t I find any info on this band? The search will continue as it will for every band on this CD. They all kick ass in their own unique way. I was determined to keep my list of 25 albums everyone should own to just that…..25, but everytime I climb into my car to fight the dumbasses on the highways I have finally convinced myself that this CD belongs in the top 10 best comps I’ve ever heard. This is exactly what I hope MusicFilter can put together one day. A comp CD that is good from song one to the last track and only bands and songs that I like. Duane you inspire in ways you may not even realize.
Nashville Pussy – Let Them Eat Pussy
This album has been a favorite if not my all time favorite since the time I got it. Loud, Sexy, & Rough, they exude what Rock & Roll was meant to sound and look like.
Sex Pistols – Never Mind the Bollocks
Johnny & the boys shook shit up on a new level that really hasn’t been met in terms of intense influence since. It rocks from start to end. Ever wonder what punk rock is all about?…one listen to this will answer all questions.
Black Flag – Who’s got the 10 1/2″?
Live in some little shit town it some little shit club Henry and company show why they are considered by some to be the seminal punk rock motherfuckers.
New York Dolls
One of the few albums that exists that is great from track one to the last track. Sleazy punky.
Ted Nugent – Double Live Gonzo
The first time I heard Wango Tango, I then understood what Rock & Roll was all about. Ted is all about Sex, Sex and Rock & Roll the way it is supposed to be played. Loud and intense, its easy to see why Nashville Pussy would name their band after one Ted song.
Marilyn Manson – Smells Like Children
Just when he had the everyone freaked, he freaked em’ a step beyond. The cover of Rock & Roll Nigger alone is worth the price of this CD. Strange, hard and pure Marilyn.
Nirvana – Hormoning
Don’t wanna listen to Nevermind? Get this EP and hear why Kurt is considered a god by some.
Aerosmith – Rocks
Cocaine, cocaine and more cocaine. The boys in Aerosmith may be livin’ clean now days but back in the day, they were havin’ LOTS of fun. Start to finish this album ROCKS.
The Flaming Lips – Oh My Gawd/With You(Tie)
Before they got overly experimental, they were just plain weird. But they played hard loud guitars and vocals that flowed together unlike anything you had heard before. Either one will make you happy in an acid kind of way. Oh My Gawd spawned an awesome acid
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Uplift Mojo Party Plan
Before they started writing pussy songs for the radio they actually played hard funk like punks and punk like funk in a way that made yer mojo uplift and make ya want to create a party plan. This is HARD funk at its finest. Too bad they lost their Mojo.
The Pixies – Surfer Rosa
An elegant topless chic on the cover, but nothing elegant about the songs. Hard, gritty, and yet mellow, they exude punk attitude with this one. “Bloody your hand on a cactus tree, wipe it on your dress and send it to me”…………how can you argue with words like that?
Suicidal Tendencies
Young Mike wrote some amazingly cool and shocking songs on this one. “Institutionalized” is the best teen angst anthem of all anthems put together. So-Cal punk rock at its best.
Bad Brains – I against I
Rasta hard core unlike any. The intensity and speed of this CD is often copied but never like the original. Amazing vocals and amazing guitars and amazing songs and even more amazing intensity make this one of my all time faves.
Natural Born Killers – Soundtrack
Never thought I’d put a soundtrack on a list of must have music, but this one changed my mind. Put together by Perry of Janes Addiction, the songs meld together like they were wrote to be layed out this way.
We Will Fall – Tribute to Iggy Pop
I like tribute albums. This one stands out. Way way out. Joey Ramone doing “1969”, Kenny Kaye doing “We will fall”, this CD is a must for any Iggy fan or punk fan alike. Get this album. It belongs in any punk/rock collection.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Master
This EP will make you rethink what it takes to make a Rock & Roll album. See them live and walk away a changed person.
Soundgarden – Ultra-Mega OK
Before grunge became cool, Soundgarden were ultra cool. I never understood why Chris never used the vocal range he showed on this album on any releases after this. Listen to “Beyond the Wheel” and get ready to be amazed.
~restored the album photos on 8/13/17 _ still updating the links~mc~
One Bullet Left – One Bullet Left
From a promo disc. Check out more here.
The Unsatisfied – My Eutopia is turning to shit
From “The way 2 the crumbs” on Antidote Records.
The Master of Disaster is back once again with a punk rock and roll treat called ‘Duane Peters Gunfight’. It seems Duane can’t stand to not be playin’ rock and roll every wakin’ minute so while the Hunns are taken a break, he put together a six piece band that has various members from the Exploding Fuck Dolls, Ultravires, Spent Idols, The Sleepers, Black Lab, and The Masons. Impressive indeed but even more cool is the wall of punk rock sound these guys create once they plug in and Duane grabs the mic. No emo weemo horseshit here, just straight ahead punk rock like it was meant to be played: loud, fast, hard and in your fuckin’ face.
“War with you” kicks things off with blazing guitars and Duane’s signature growl and howl. The next song “Hell Mary” which was released last month as the first single, which by the way Duane painted the cover for, continues with the kick ass wall of punk rock sound this CD is full of. “Gunfighter” which was the flip side to the single kicks ass from beginning note to end note. When Duane belts out ‘Gonna be a gunfight tonight..Gunfighter!’ it immediatly creates a need to turn the volume up to 11. Timing couldn’t be more right for high volume as “DNA” comes next with quick vocals and jackhammer guitars. “Smoke Em” is as catchy as any song you’ll hear and an instant fave for me. The last song is called “Marry Me” and if there were ever a perfect ending track for a blazin’ fire of punk rock this is it. Slow crisp slightly distorted guitars electricly and eclectically echo in the background as Duane growls his trademark growl and sings ‘Marry me, marry me, I’ll buy you a drink’ Marry me, marry me I’ll get the ring”. I’m not even sure of how to describe it other than it is cool as all fuck.
This is REAL punk rock for punk rock people. Duane Peters is literally the master of disaster in all senses of the word. The Duane Peters Gunfight is no exception to the killer shit this guy continues to release. No filler here, just lots of good music that will keep you wanting more..and more….and more..
Old Skars and Upstarts 505 is the latest comp put together by the Master of Disaster Duane Peters. I own all of them and all of them rank in my top 10 all time best cd list. This new one, “the 505 edition” is no exception. It begins with the “Bad Lieutnants” doing ‘Arizona Love’ that kind of sets the pace for an in your face dose of punk rock from around the globe. The Hunns cover the classic VH track “Ain’t Talkin’ bout Love” and not only do it justice but actually make it better with Duane and Corey trading off on vocals throughout. AWESOME stuff! The Lizzies (feat. Corey) contribute “Baby Black and Blue”. I can’t wait to hear some more from this band. None of the bands on this cd disappoint. Instead they all give you a sense that punk rock is alive and well despite all the CRAP being thrown at everyone that is labeled “punk”. Mr. Peters knows good music period. Now, as if this incredible comp cd isn’t enough, he has organized a tour featuring a lot of the bands on this edition of Old Skars. [more inside]
Another BMF Album Review Cannabis intoxication will not cause permanent brain damage.
May 29, 2004
Some Music get better each time you hear it…… this is especially true for The Hunns latest CD “Long Legs”..when I first got this CD I was sure I had a disc that was one of the best I’d heard. I listened to it relentlessly for about 3 weeks. I let a few weeks pass and qued it up tonight again. I heard stuff I didn’t hear the first time. This may be cliche but I don’t give a FUCK. This CD is inCREDIBLE. There are so many little hidden gems of musical influences of the band that I did not notice before. When you first hear this CD you will think you hear the little things I’m trying to describe .. but trust me….give it a break..come back to it and play it loud…. you will hear things u didn’t before and it will only get better…
I haven’t decided yet if it is THE HUNNS or Duane’s voice that create this ultimate PUNK ROCK FEELING….maybe it is a bit of both….he is a known legend in is time and cirlce….did Corey bring something out in him or am I just now discovering Mr. Peters incredible voice.????more to follow posted by BMF at 10:11PM EST [trackback] (1 comments total)
Damn you write the best reviews when you are sucking vodka. posted by punkarella at 03:24PM EST on May 30
It’s 2:17am on 8/26/20 and I’m laying in bed at the log cabin restoring this page on a I-phone because I randomly clicked on a dead link that I’ve probably never clicked before, but I had to fix it. Day and night has been 57 over and over. You made me cry today missing you. But it helps me feel so never stop. I feel you baby. So anyway this review was posted on the original MusicFilter website in 2004 before things got so fancy with pictures and youtube (which did not come around until 2005). MusicFilter was a true blog and just a collection of daily words and thoughts. I’m so grateful it was archived and still exist. It’s crazy how you think you remember but really you don’t, and then you are reminded by just a few crazy words typed in on a given day. And all that memory comes back about the intensity we had going and we were just living and having fun. God I miss your kiss. ~mc~ #57bmf4ever
This post was Saved Just 1 time On March 28, 2006.
I’m adding some fluff to this restoration post so I can have a nice pretty link, but below is how MusicFilter appeared in 2004. It was originally delicious. http://www.musicfilter.com/wp/dotcom/may04/2004.htm
Although they take their name from a Nuge song and use a Confederate flag in their imagery, The Pussy’s politics ain’t god, guns, and gay-bashin’– they run both red and blue. In fact, on the band’s fifth album From Hell to Texas (SPV), they assail religion on “Lazy Jesus” (“God’s just a king with a lot less money”) and bash “The Late, Great USA.” “We walk the line,” Suys says. “The party we vote for is
the Party party.” The song, she continues, is about returning home from Europe to notice the little differences between here and there. “Some of the freedoms over there are different… like, you know, hash and nice, state-sponsored hookers.Then you come back to America, land of supposed freedom, and you’re not allowed to smoke 50 feet in front of a building and shit. It’s like, ‘What the fuck?”{read more}
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