


As you may or may not know or give a fuck, MusicFilter recently began a Tumblr blog. Very cool, addictingly addicting, and so easy to use. We are happy to be on Tumblr as it gives a great outlet for quick everyday thoughts when I am away from my main computer. I really enjoy posting ‘audio’ posts via my iPhone but became frustrated when I found I could only post 5 audio posts per day. So I decided to spend some pointless time and effort and email “Tumblr” and ask them if I could pay to post more audio files. I put the effort forth and based on the usual response from ‘popular’ sites, (no response at all) I forgot about only taking solace in the fact that I went to the effort. Less then 8 hours later I got a response that was not automated, helpful, and from one of the originators of Tumblr!!!

Impressive. You have MusicFilter’s support as long as you exist.

Hi, jeff. If you host MP3 files on your own web server space, you can use the URLs for those files to create as many Audio posts as you like.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with. Thanks for using Tumblr!

Marc 🙂

Tumblr Support
