Love all of Nashville Pussy albums but “High As Hell” is the cream of the cream. Thank you Nashville Pussy for bringing us together. You were our common goal in the beginning. Jeff would have loved listening to Blaine’s recollections. This group of people, past and present are wonderfully cool and talented . “Fried Chicken and Coffee” combined with a week of following Nashville Pussy in Colorado led to our time warped tribute called The Nashville Pussy Chronicles. Enjoy! Thanks Blaine!

Fans and Freaks
These were origianally on “Whatever Happened to Rock and Roll“. Like then, we invite any freaks or fans out there to email us your photos to add to our gallery. You will have to find the email link on this site.
[svgallery name=”fansfreaks”]
4/18/23 – found most of the lost pictures! #57bmf4ever ~mc

Whatever Happened to Rock ‘n’ Roll still alive March 31, 2004 to January 24, 2005. Still talking about Nashville Pussy.
Let Them Eat Pussy 1998 Amphetamine Reptile
OK, just go grab your Roget’s Thesaurus and get 20 synonyms for each of the following: fierce, frantic, loud and slutty. Insert the 80 words here:
That’s all the record review you really need. Anything more would be academic, which is not in true Nashville Pussy form.
But I feel compelled to give more details. If these guys and gals didn’t grow up in the South, they have certainly done their research (I would know, being’s I been livin’ in ol’ Virginny since I was a young ‘un). Their music is essentially a buzzsaw fusion of punk and Southern rock, with a bit of a Motorhead vibe thrown in. Their sound is what I call “truck stop rock” (I hereby lay claim to that phrase and if a writer uses it as their own, call them on it). The lyrics are for the most part indecipherable, but when you can make them out, you find that all of the essentials are there – bikes, beer and broads.
Any band that records a song titled “Fried Chicken and Coffee” is going to instantly win my favor. The big surprise is the cover of Smokey Robinson’s “First I Look At the Purse,” the gigolo song that receives a new life thanks to Nashville Pussy. Smokey must be spinning in his grave. NP puts 110% into every song and that effort comes through your speakers as pure energy. This is one of those rare records that you can’t help but like and play air guitar to, even though you know it’s not the most intelligent or sensitive stuff out there. If you want a lesson in politics, go be bored with an Agnostic Front record – Nashville Pussy ain’t got no time for such matters. They’re too busy drinking Jack, fixin’ cars and eating fire (no kidding, see the live show).

xThe Unsatisfied, 9 Lives Saloon, December 28, 2002
Dec.28, 2002
9 Lives Saloon
Travis, the band’s manager, had a birthday party get together that had “The Unsatisfied” headlining. To say the band was awesome would be another understatment so lets just say they kicked major ass. Eric still had his cast on but did not slow him or the band down one bit. As many people know, me and Miss Chicky are huge followers of Nashville Pussy. So much in fact that we followed them for a week long jaunt in Colorado a while back and started a fan site called “Fried Chicken & Coffee” which chronicles their tours and going ons on a weekly basis or as news happens with them. We still love Nashville Pussy and the “Chronicles” will go on as long as the band keeps it up, but we have been looking and wishing another band would come along to spark our interests enough to make us want to follow them around and start a new fansite. We found that band. The Unsatisfied have moved us. They embody the Rock & Roll spirit that is so hard to find nowdays. Not only do these guys rock our asses off , they also impress us with their sincerity and charisma. When they play live, their energy is infectous. The lead singer Eric, is amazing in that he obviously feeds off the energy of his band, the muisc and the audience. Nothing looks to be rehearsed or scripted. The band starts out and its cool, but after a few songs, you can tell Eric and the band feed off each other making a true rock and roll spectacle you won’t soon forget. I’m rambling a bit here, but the bottom line is this band KICKS MAJOR ASS and I would say if they stay together they have a bright and fun future ahead. Look for a new fansite in the future that is all about The Unsatisfied. more later.

Burn Baby Burn, Nashville Pussy, 9 Pound Hammer, Fried Chicken & Coffee, Punkarella
Burn Baby Burn List ~updated link~
Nashville Pussy Photos
9 Pound HammerCool Pic on Page 2 ~updated link~
Fried Chicken & CoffeeCopyright © BMFinc.. Jeff JacksonAll rights reserved.
Revised: March 27, 2002.updated on 9/14/20 by ~mc~
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Whatever Happened to Rock & Roll, Nashville Pussy
Copyright © BMFinc.. Jeff JacksonAll rights reserved. |