
Sex Pistols Art Project Photo Gallery
The Sex Pistol art project gallery is complete with all the photo galleries from beginning to end. Very Cool.

Sex Pistols Art Update
The Sex Pistols art piece made up of all our cool Pistols shit is nearing completion. 5ftx5ft/encased in plexi/

Fans and Freaks
These were origianally on “Whatever Happened to Rock and Roll“. Like then, we invite any freaks or fans out there to email us your photos to add to our gallery. You will have to find the email link on this site.
[svgallery name=”fansfreaks”]
4/18/23 – found most of the lost pictures! #57bmf4ever ~mc

Artimus Pyledriver
From “Whatever Happened to Rock and Roll”.
At “Nine Lives Saloon” in Little 5 Points on 2/27/2002
[svgallery name=”artimuspyldriver”] (old)
02/28/02 – (reposted from WHTRR Daily Life)
We went to the 9 Lives Saloon last night to check out “Artimus Pyledriver”. Look for a full review of the show on the review page. Not a lot been going on downtown here. We are still recovering from our Colorado trip with Nashville Pussy. We still have a lot of photos to post but haven’t gotten them all downloaded yet. Tomorrow night we are going to see DICK DELICIOUS at 9 Lives. Looking very forward to that one. Look for pictures and comments from the show tomorrow night or the next day knowing me.
Artimus Pyledriver UPDATED
Last night we went to 9 Lives Saloon to check out this band. I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I liked them. A lot. They rock very hard. The lead singer Dave reminded me of James Hetfield on speed when he was still cool. He had an intense stage presence that made me take notice. I couldn’t get that out of my head. The James Hetfield thing. They said it was their first show, but it was obvious these guys had been practicing. They also kind of reminded me of a country version of “Speedealer”. Which to me a good thing. Speedealer are cool as fuck but Artimus Pyledriver are cooler as far as I’m concerned. As I watched the band I couldn’t help but think of combines, and wheat fields and fifths of Jack Daniels. I would lay money down on odds that at least one of those guys can drive a combine and climb down and kick your ass for the fun of it. Their music as I said was hard as fuck, but it was cool as fuck too. They impressed me anyway. Still, you can tell that the more the band plays the better they will be so you can count on seeing me at the next show. To find out more about the band check out their bio on their website. Download a sample of one of their songs called “SWAMP DEVIL” here.(reposted from WHTRR Reviews)
8/16/20 I restored a few pictures found on the server at and updated the page with BMF’s scattered posts about Artimus Pyledriver. I removed the referenced links in the review from 2002 since they were very dead. There are more original photos of this show, but I will have to find those on one of BMF’s computers some other day. 🙂 As BMF said in his 2002 review, we saw the band’s very first show at Atlanta’s infamous 9 Lives Saloon (closed for a long time). Looks like it would take another few years for them to put out their first and only album including the song “Swamp Devil” mentioned in the review. I think we saw them play another time on a ticket with Nashville Pussy. Check out Artimus Pyledriver on Facebook and take a look/listen to “Swamp Devil” @ youtube.(thank you baby – I found the #57 in that video) Southern hardcore goodness! ~mc~ #57bmf4ever

Compound Radio
I just discovered this cool online radio show “Compound Radio“. They play cool music. That is it. Nothing more or less. Duane and Corey both have shows. Listen with iTunes here. Very cool indeed.
4/14/18 ~mc update ~ as I was updating the dead links I discovered Compound Radio must have changed its format as I’m pretty sure BMF would not be listening to it now. Maybe that’s why he removed it from his link list. But it does explain the Compound Radio t-shirt I found with his other shirts. But if you search you can find some golden punk nuggets:
Corey Parks Interview and a Nashville Pussy opener “High As Hell” (2013 – this is a very worthy listen)
Duane Peters and Die Hunns – on a pretty good punk rock show – lots of good music here.