The Unsatisfied – May 3, 2003 – 9 Lives Saloon in Atlanta, Ga.
(coming back as soon as possible ~mc)
Shortly after BMF was gone in 2016 three videos of this Unsatisfied show appeared online.
Made me cry in joy for our time.
Thank you to whomever filmed and posted these for all of us to enjoy. ~mc~ 8/20/19
What good is law in the United States of America if five or six goddamn bimbos are going to rule against it?
– Evel Knievel
May 05, 2003
Photos from the show @ 9 Lives Saloon on 5/3/03 … The Unsatisifed, The Rock City Dropouts, and Kill the Messenger played Saturday night and it was a good night for rock and roll. We saw a brand new band, Kill the Messenger, who we really liked, along with The Rock City Dropouts, and our current faves, The Unsatisfied.
Kill the Messenger were loud in your face heavy rock with a easy rollover into Prince type poppiness with a grunge kick. I found out after their set the band just formed about three weeks ago, so we don’t know much about them yet. The lead singer(email me if you read this)was intense as hell the entire set. But he showed us a smooth edge when he came down into the audience and a girl gave him the bird. I guess she was trying to break his intensity. He never missed a beat, reached out, grabbed her hand and turned it upside down.
The Unsatisifed hit the stage next and did not disappoint. Every time I see these guys I like them more. The band has this amazing wall of fucking sound and power that is relentless in its onslaught on your
brain. They seem to do it effortlessly cool but at the same time you can see them pour themselves into it. Awesome shit to hear and to watch all around but especially when it comes to Eric. I like watching him get up to the stage before the show actually starts. You can see him warming up doing stretches or whatever. But his mental state seems to be there all the time. As soon as the music starts and the first note is belted out you feel the rock and roll ooze off every note. Watching Eric is fun as hell too mostly because every time you do see him perform he seems to be MORE into it the next time. So you got this awesome fucking sound coming from the cool motherfuckers in the band and this outta control motherfucker up front moving like he has all those sonic notes moving around inside him. All the songs kicked major ass for me. But whats a guy gotta do to hear you guys play “Fell in a Hole” live someday for Miss Chicky? Its one her favorite songs right now. There is an amazing story from Eric on how that song came about. I’ll let him share that if he feels like it. Hopefully he and more bands will come and tell MusicFilter some of their amazing stories of life in the music world. I’m sure there are a lot out there.
The Rock City Dropouts played last. Unfortunately we had to leave early and only heard a couple songs. The lead singer had some sort of walking cast on with crutches,
but from what we saw that didn’t slow him down any more than when Eric had his on. I’m not sure who these guys are except for E Rock Dropout whom I met once at the Echo Lounge last year when they opened for The Toilet Boys. But I’m gonna find out more because this time I wasn’t outta my head drunk and actually remember what they sounded like and I like.
Hi, Guys. It’s Eric here. The rock city dropouts are one of my ALL TIME FAVE ROCKFUCKERS!! I wish you guys would of stayed. I got on stage and sang “MOONAGE DAYDREAM” with them. I met Shawn Christian(I hope thats right?)Guitar hero god of rock about 7 years ago when the great X-impossibles started. CARGO records got’em and we will have to get his ass to tale the tale of that. The other guitar hero in the band is our man Craig(I’m not going to even try to spell his last name) He allso plays in the ELcaminos. Baby if not for this guy there would be no UNSATISFIED in Hotlanta. I met Craig whe he was 14 years old coming out to see my 19 year old ass fronting a baby unsatisfied at a Black poolhall in East chattanowere called HOLLYWOODS.(The birthplace of punk rock in my town and the unsatisfieds home)I go back with these guys. the rest of the band I’ve not known very long but I love them just the same. Has for the song “FELL IN A Hole” My beautiful daughter Destiny Surreal when she was 9 years old she gave me some words she wrote and at the time she did this I was coming off 13 years of drinking and druging. I was so fucked up in my head, depressed, my life was not what it was suppose to be. “Rock star” no. I was a bullshiter. Just a drunk nothing more. Just a godamned drunk like my hole fucked up family! This child gave me the words that made me the Rocker you see to day. I was in a hole. running from a monster that I prvoked. the fall of lucifer. The devil was me. Destiny is a great and funny girl but she has some kind of insite in our families insanity and she can use her skill to enlighten and free me. So there you go…long live Jeff and Miss Chicky
I’m just sorry that I missed the show. The Unsatisfied just kick ass. I have been hoping to see the Rock City Dropout since I found out Jett is with them. If he can compare to Eric wounded in the line of duty, I’m really missing out!
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