Daily Archives: February 2, 2006

The beginning of music journalism

Greg Shaw of Bomp! fame helped start the Mojo Navigator and its first issue was published on August 8th, 1966. Read all the issues up to issue 13 from 1967. In the first issue under the title of “Smoke Filled Rumors” it tells that ‘Country Joe and the Fish have released an E.P. which you can obtain from them at POBOX…….for $1 All the issues make for interesting reading.


The Evils head to Europe

Long time live favorites of MusicFilter, The Evils from Atlanta, GA are about to embark on a tour of Europe beginning April 12th in Paris, France and ending with a gig back in Paris on May 1st playing with Nine Pound Hammer. They also have two new songs you can download called “Ice” and “Goin’ Down“. (find ICE mp3-MC)

The entire tour line up is…
